Turn Your Book Into a Best-Seller With These 5 Tips

5 tips to turn your book into a best-seller

“A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.”

Neil Gaiman

It is every writer’s dream to write a book that turns into a best-seller. Having your book featured in a list of global successes establishes you as a literary virtuoso. It paves the way for a stellar career in writing. Whether you’re an aspiring writer or a seasoned one, it helps to know tips that will make your book stand out. What elevates a good book to a great one is a set of constructive skills. When applied during the writing process, they can help you take your written work to the next level. The following blog recommends five such essential skills that will help your book capture the global audience-

  1. Have a blueprint in mind

Yes, writing is a spontaneous exercise. However, the secret of every best-selling author is planning their book story effectively. Before you begin, you need not have a detailed plan for your book. Instead, have an abstract roadmap in mind for your own convenience. This will help you navigate through the plot and keep track of characters and situations. A book that is planned ahead has a clear structure. This contributes to a good reading experience with a coherent plot and well-rounded characters. Nicholas Sparks, the bestselling writer of numerous novels like The Notebook and The Vow, reveals his secret to writing successful books-

‘Everything that I need to know about the novel could be put down in a page and a half of bullet-points. That includes the beginning, the end, the major turning points, a bit about the characters… Once I have that, I let the rest of the story fill itself in from there.’

2. Write in a politically correct and sensitive manner

Being politically correct in one’s writing entails avoiding forms of expression or actions that are perceived to offend members of certain groups in society. Ensure that your writing does not marginalize, insult or exclude groups of people who are discriminated against. Write with sensitivity about people who are socially disadvantaged in some way. There is a growing need in today’s world to recognize the diversity of cultural and geographical realities. Many classic books have been criticised and banned for using racist language. They have been edited for political correctness by removing racist terms or replacing them. Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn which originally featured racial slurs has undergone thorough editing in recent years. Writing that is sensitive and politically aware invites the approval of a wider audience.

3. Give primacy to the editing process

“The secret to editing your work is simple: you need to become its reader instead of its writer.”

Zadie Smith

The editing phase requires the most attention. After you’ve finished writing your first draft, the crucial step of editing prepares your book for success. The process of editing whittles down words and emotions to retain only the best. Editing your book to its best version can be painstaking. Thus, it often helps to have another pair of eyes examine your work. There are plenty of experienced professionals who can assist you during the editing process. Before hitting the bookshelves, a manuscript must go through three rounds of rigorous revisions-

  • An intensive developmental edit 
  • A copy-edit or line edit 
  • A final proofread

4. Choose the publishing method that works best for you

Once you finish writing your book, you can begin the search for the perfect publisher. Previously, the sole way to publish a book was through a literary agent and a traditional publishing house. Within a highly competitive market, writers struggled to make their manuscripts stand out from the crowd. Given the multiplicity of options present today, you can choose your preferred method of publishing.  Do the necessary research to determine the pros and cons of each. Following are two such options among a host of others-

a. DIY or Self-Publishing: In recent years, the digital space has seen an increasing potential for both writers and readers. Self-publishing allows the writer complete control of the publishing process. They can coordinate everything: the formatting of the book, designing the book cover, finding a platform to print the book and implementing a marketing strategy to promote the same. The writer owns the legal rights to the revenue they earn. 

b. Traditional Publishing: As the name suggests, this is the most conventional form of publishing. Publishers examine the content and hand-pick manuscripts that are submitted by authors directly or via their literary agents. The writer is set up with an in-house editor, and the publishing house takes over the process. This includes designing, marketing, and distributing the book.

5. Plan a constructive book launch

“You can write the most wonderful book in the world. But if people don’t know about your book they won’t know to buy it.”

Madi Preda, How to Promote and Market Your Book

A book launch refers to efforts made towards promoting the release of a book. In addition to creating awareness for a book, it helps initiate sales of the book. Given the advancement of technology, you no longer need to carry this out at a physical venue. Owing to the pandemic, the digital space now offers creative and cost-effective ways of launching a book successfully. You can run giveaways on social media, as Meghan March did, for her recent book. Or, you can choose a more interactive approach by going live on social media platforms. This would include conducting live Q and A sessions to generate dialogue about your book. If you have a blog or website, you can make an announcement there. 

The journey towards writing a bestselling book is a challenging yet rewarding one. Every author wishes for their book to achieve international success. Pencil Masterclass is one such medium that aids in honing your writing, publishing and marketing skills to turn your book into a best-seller. If you too are looking to win the heart of every reader, keep these tips handy and start your journey as an author today.

 Happy writing!

2 Responses

  1. Sarvendra Singh Rawat says:

    Tips are valuable indeed.
    I also want to write book(s). But right now it is an abstract idea only. I have written some published and unpublished articles liked by the readers. My friends keep on saying that I have great writing skill. I want to test that.
    I have no website.

    • Pencil Clan says:

      Hey Sarvendra,

      We know it takes a lot to structure an abstract idea into a story worth reading and publishing. We believe we have a course on Pencil Masterclass which is just right for you and will empower you with all the skills required to become a best-selling author.

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