How to Create an Effective Writing Schedule in 6 Steps

How to Create an Effective Writing Schedule in 6 Steps

A consistent writing schedule is a necessary prerequisite to turning your ideas into pages. Turning your writing process into a regular habit can be especially tough when you’re an aspiring writer with a full-time job. However, it is possible to curate a writing schedule that fits right into your daily routine. Of course, sticking to this routine will require discipline and motivation. This blog will guide you through the process of creating a writing schedule that will get you on track and prepare you for success-

  1. Choose a time of day that works best for you 

The most important step is to set a consistent writing time for each day. It is said that writers produce the best creative ideas early in the morning when the mind is fresh. For some, the nighttime works better as you may have a day job. If writing every day is not realistic for you, set the same writing time for the days of the week you want to write. Before you know it, your daily writing sessions will become just another part of your routine that you just do without thinking twice. The idea is to pick a time that is most convenient for you and stick to it.

  1. Find the right writing space

Your efforts at sticking to your routine will be in vain if you don’t allocate appropriate space for your writing. Instead of spending time each day trying to decide where you’re going to write, designate a proper writing space for yourself. You might want to set it up in a way that appeals to the senses. It would be a good idea to surround yourself with objects that fuel your creativity. You could find inspiration in a desk plant or you could choose to put your desk near an open window. We suggest ambient lighting for setting the right mood to write.

  1. Set a daily word-count goal

This is a time-tested way to ensure progress. Having a minimum word count on any given day can motivate you to get words on the page. It will give you something to look forward to each day. The trick is to not aim too high at the very outset. We would advise you to start small-maybe set your word-count goal to 150 a day. Gradually, you may increase it as your story becomes more concrete and you’ve comfortably adjusted to your routine. 

  1. Incorporate exercise into your routine

It is no secret that writer Haruki Murakami, in his memoir What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, writes glowingly about the power of physical exercise. A daily run can pump you up for getting your words flowing as soon as you hit your writing desk. It is absolutely essential to incorporate physical exercise into your writing schedule to stimulate brain activity and boost creative power. You could also consider practising meditation for a healthier mind-body balance.

  1. Reward yourself as you go

If you’ve adhered to your routine or met your daily word-count goal for a week, reward yourself. If you’ve maintained your physical health while writing every day, reward yourself for it. You can treat yourself to a movie or with a trip to your favourite restaurant. Soon, you’ll be looking forward to these rewards. This will help you stay motivated while finishing your first draft. Celebrate your tiny victories!

  1. Maintain a writing journal

If you want to keep track of your daily writing process, maintaining a writing journal is a good idea. You can track your progress daily or weekly, depending upon the frequency at which you’ve scheduled your writing time. In this journal, you can also keep track of the number of chapters. A few online journals help you assess your productivity as well in the form of graphs. You can even choose to write down how you feel after completing each chapter. A journal will allow you to monitor your progress while reminding you to reward yourself after you’ve met a designated goal.

Creating a writing schedule is a remarkable time management technique that has helped turn countless writers into authors. Establishing a routine can help you stay productive and avoid the dreaded syndrome of writer’s block. Thus, if you have some great ideas that you want to put into words but cannot find the right time to do so, we’d encourage you to follow the above steps and create a writing schedule that will keep you motivated.

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